About me...
I am A UX/UI designer, originally arriving from the world of engineering, a world that contributes a lot to my way of thinking, organization, and deep understanding of a thorough process.

I’m a people person, a team player, a hard worker and I truly believe in the power of design.
Previously I have worked at a creative studio, designing websites for various and diverse customers.
Later on I have worked for a technological company in the field of software as a freelance designer. I designed mostly on Figma and Webflow platforms.

My experiences in these roles have sharpened my skills in digital design, working in a fast paced, high-pressure environment, empathizing with people, research and analysis, identifying goals and needs, and efficiently finding solutions to a broad variety of problems and user pain points.

Why UX/UI?

I’ve had meaningful interactions with people I have worked with, processes I have been through, and subjects I have studied and expanded. I want to explore design through various spectrums and believe in the opportunity making a positive impact on people’s lives.
On my free time I also enjoy...
Travel - I love to travel, anywhere. To hike and to relax. Mostly explore, see and feel nature and receive new energy.
Baking - Usually find myself baking on the weekends. I like trying new things as well as baking my usual cakes and cookies.
Yoga - My main physical training. Helps me keep calm, fit, energized and also keeps me healthy.
Salsa Dancing - I've been salsa dancing for about 12 years. I love the creativity, the music, the social bonds and the vibes.
Thank You!